Personal Glossary

EBR II-Class Notes:  Vocabulary and Jargon

Session #1
epistemology:  our way of knowing what we know
phenomenology:  sensitivism

inductive:  forefathers; data to theory
reductive:  start with theory; theory to data
causal:  a causes b
correlational:  predictive
ethnographic:  applied
participatory:  action

Session #2
axiom:  principle

space:  physical boundaries
place:  connection we make to space


Session #3-Shawn O'Roarke "Parklets"

"complete streets": safely convey all modes of transportation so all user groups can be accounted for; can extend to economics! 

PlaNYC 2030:  new standard; every NYer would be able to be within 10 minute walk of a park; Mayor Bloomburg; New Public Realm

The Transect:  developed by Duany, Plater, Zyberk and Co.

Interior to Edge Ratio

Urban Eco-Tones:  overlap of transition zones between 2 communities


Exent:  includes buffer; variable surface that is diff from street surface.

Session #4

Noun:  Who the users are?
Verb:  What are they doing?
Motive:  Why are they doing it?
Context:  Where are they doing it?
***for thesis, we must define our CONTEXT!**

validity:  does it measure what it claims to measure?
      -internal-does it manure it within the
      study you are doing?
      -external-can you extrapolate it into
      other studies and groups and it still 
      remains true?
reliability:  does it measure it consistently?

"Spaces are the envelope, places are the meaning!"  
--Nora Rubinstein

Third Places:  places that are not home/work; can be crucial to one's quality of life

Session #5 

Assumption:  Here is what I think...
Description:  Here is what I am seeing...
Explanation:  Here is why...
Prediction:  Therefore, if it is done in
     another place...
Action: How do I make more?...

Probability Samples:
Non-Probability Samples: 
Random Samples:
Stratified Samples:
Convenience Samples:


Sampling Error:  chance variations among samples selected from a single population so that one segment of the sample over- or under-represents its presence in the population.

Sample Bias:  occurs when the sample fails o represent the population b/c of some factor in addition to chance.

EBR I: Class Notes-Vocabulary and Jargon 

Transactional Relationship:  ever-changing relationship between each; changes every second

Determinism:  Environment has total control over Humans or vice-versa

Archetypes:  Timeless pshychological nodes of energy of the collective unconscious.
(Clare Cooper)

Place Identity:  We identify with the physical environment

"Shadow Citizens":  people who walk around w/I-Pods...unengaged with the environment

"Psychic Homeland":  where you think you belong regardless of whether you have been there or not.

panopticon:  one person has eye on all.

density:  objective measure of the amount of people in a given space.

crowding:  subject of measure.

"Self":  differentiate humans from other living creatures (Cooper)

Deconstruction:  analyze character of the authorial voice; a post-modernist idea

Phenomenology:  the study of experience; looks at your experience of place-space-sustainability; an epistemology school

commodified:  when something is turned into a commodity; i.e...Disney popcorn 

SNOWBALL SAMPLING:  ask if "do you know anyone with x-y-z characteristics; gives you people that can answer questions; convenience sample

RANDOM SAMPLING:  get a random # table (say 7) and you ask every seventh person; everyone has equal possibility of being chosen therefore this sample is not geared toward anyone in particular

STRATIFIED SAMPLING:  look for specifics

PILOT STUDY:  test out assumptions

"Steady State":  not aware of temperature at all, therefore we are not aware of global warming, perhaps?!

CONTROL!!! Meso-comfort zone (Heshong)

Usufruct:  the right to use a place that is not yours for your pleasure, as long as you do not destroy it

Territoriality:  is stand-still
Personal Space:  is mobile (you CAN take it with you!)

Personalization:  making a place your own with the things that are linked to your identity

Privacy:  solitude, intimacy, social, anonymity, reserve..

BOOLEAN OPERATORS:  "and"..."or"..."not"

Prescriptive Design:  You shall do this!
Proscriptive:  You shall not!


i.e...clients are not bad b/c they have a light on...WHY DO THEY HAVE THE LIGHT ON!?!?

EDUCATIONAL APPROACH:  What is the criteria for our knowledge, our choices?




Deep Listening...involves practices of dialogue and procedures for investigation, transposition, and interpretation. We are made to re-think social experience, our relationship to community, our relationship to our power, and how we relate to others and our inhabitable spaces

Sonic Bridge...the way in which music links he insides and outsides of social experience into a seamless web.

CARPMAN & GRANT living organisms make their way from an origin to a destination and back.

Disorientation...opposite of wayfinding; the result of inefficient, insufficient, or non-existent wayfinding systems



"Wilderness of Childhood"...


"House as a Symbol of Self"...

Jung, Carl...Swiss Psychiatrist
Concepts of "the archetype, the collective unconscious, and the symbol"

Jungian Concepts...
Collective Unconscious...

HUD...Housing and Urban Development


Anthropogenic...caused by human behavior

CRED...Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters

Framing...providing a more "sophisticated nudge" whereby research takes advantage of our own cognitive biases in hopes it will resonate.
Nudging...providing a are more gentle and more broad, moving us in a way so that we do not make mistakes but still arrive at the desired response.

Risk Systems...
Analytic Risk System...involves careful consideration of cost and benefits; often undervaluing future outcomes; less likely to change our lifestyle.

Feeling Risk System... urgent reaction to danger; usually based on personal experience therefore underestimating things by which we have no experience in.


Thermal Sense...


Active Capacity...our ability to adjust and cope with the system, and possibly have more control over it.

Adaptive Opportunity...our ability to make adjustments
HVAC...Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

·    mesocomfort zone is a term coined by Kwok and Rajkovich to represent the area between the "optimum" conditions of the static zone and the boundary where our bodies begin to respond involuntarily and physiologically to thermal conditions.

Responses to Climate Change...
Adaptive ...regarding our adjusting to the impacts of a warming world through enhancing our ecosystem's resilience
Mitigative...regarding efforts toward reducing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Thermal Comfort Models...
·    static model...uses data from climate chamber studies to support its theory (from Fanger)
·    adaptive model...uses data from the field studies of people in buildings (derived from work of Humphries and Nicol, Dear and Brager)

LANG I-Anthropometrics and Erganomics

Anthropometrics is the study of human dimensions, capabilities, and limitations.

Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between people and machines.

LANG II-Cognitive Mapping

Cognitive Mapping...the process whereby people acquire, code, store, recall and decode information about the relative location and attributes of the physical environment through direct experience, what he/she has heard of a place, and by imagined information. 

Gestalt Laws of Visual Organization...

Highly Imageable Cities...cities that are seen as well structured; include paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. 


Authoritarian Environments...e.g.  Chuck E. Cheese

Cultural Geography...the study of how societies use and are shaped by spaces and places.

Piaget Approach...

Social Reproduction...the handing on, with modifications, of social practices and institutions, and these experts wonder what of value children will be able to hand onto future generations given the changing landscape of home and how we live, what is happening in these neighborhoods, changes in parental roles in a child's life, and how children are subsequently being encouraged to play in their environments.

Spatial Cognition/Mapping Ability ...seen as a combination of physical , psychological, social and cultural processes



Anthropometry...the science dealing with the measurement of the human body to determine differences in individuals, groups, etc.; Factors to consider when measuring the body; age, gender, race, occupation, cultural background and ethnicity, socioeconomics (e.g. nutrition availability)

Frequency Histrogram...shows that the data is somewhat predictable, with the highest percentages(the so-called "average" measurement) compiled in the center column resembling a bell shape. The extremes on each end are dropped.

PROSHANSKY, FABIAN & KAMINOFF we make our space our own.

Place-Identity...a sub-structure of the self-identity of the person consisting of…cognitions about the physical world in which the individual lives; represents how what we know about our environment, (often times a subconscious perception) and where we come from influences who we are as people, and the means by which this occurs. of people in space.

Territoriality...human need to lay claim to space.


·        Aural Postcards...a term for what Walter Benjamin created for us in his writings where he referenced the sounds of his travels in his storytelling, creating landmarks and memories of where he had been or what may no longer be there.  Benjamin believes that hearing may be the sense of memory.

Metonym...aural fragments that speak of something larger.



Anthropometrics...the measurements of the human body and its physical characteristics.

Ergonomics...relationship between the human body and the built environment.

Human Engineering...efforts made to design equipment that would be more suitable for human use.

JPATS...Joint Primary Aircraft Training System

Universal Design Theory...encourages flexibility in accommodating people of varying body type


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