Here is my Summary on Paint from Susan's class...
Paint is
"a pigmented coating that provides color and sheen to a space and can hide
minor surface imperfections. It protects
the substrate from moisture, abrasion, graffiti, chemicals, and deleterious
agents."[1] Paint provides "a surface that can
occasionally be washed or cleaned and can last years with minimal
necessary. In addition, it provides an
aesthetic back drop or focus to an interior spaces. Paint is probably the most popular interior
treatment/decorative finish today, and certainly the "most economic."
Paint is
thought to be tens of thousands of years old, dating back to over 30,000
BC. Earliest "paints" were
mixed using materials like earth, jewels, rock, animal by-products, and iron
oxides. Cave paintings provide some of
our earliest examples of paint use in "interiors." Ancient Egyptians used soil or ground-up
semi-precious stones to create "pigments," or color choice. One example is "Blue Frit" which
was made from ground blue glass.[3] Further evidence of paint development by the
Dutch, and then later the British, solidified paint's place as one of the most
commonly used interior treatments we have today.[4]
In terms of
cultural use, paint was seen for its aesthetic and decorative qualities even in
the days of cave dwellings. Color is
where you can pinpoint its most significant cultural value, with the psychology
and symbolism of color providing a framework to navigate through our endless
choices in paints still today. Examples
of Color Symbolism are Purple being the color of royalty and Red of passion,
and Green to symbolize the natural earth.
It is
interesting to note that use of interior paint was looked down upon due to the
Puritanical belief systems of the Pilgrims during colonial times and even
became a crime.[5]
12th Century-England-Early guilds were formed to "protect
trade secrets and standardize the craft.[6]
1683-Ham House, Surrey, England-Use of
oil paint on wall panels and mouldings.[7]
1718-England-Marshall Smith invented the
"Machine Engine for the Grinding of Colours"[8]
which made the process more efficient.
1741-England-Emerton and Manby use
Horse-Mill to grind colors more quickly, cheaply.[9]
1866-United States-Sherwin-Williams
opened. Invented
"ready-to-use" paint in 1873. Then resealable tin can a few years later.[10]
1883-United States-Benjamin Moore opened.
In 1907, they "hired its first
chemist and and started a research department." Then in 1982,
they introduced its famous computerized Color Matching system.[11]
Paint can be
broken down into (3) Basic Parts, or
Elements regardless of the type of paint (latex or water-based, and
oil-based are the two major types of paint).
§ Liquid, Thinner, or Solvent-This is the part of the paint that evaporates once applied
to the surface or substrate, leaving just the pigments and binder behind.[12] This is "volatile"[13]
part of the paint.
§ Solid, or Pigment - This is where color comes in and what accounts for coverage of paint
on a surface. Pigments are "often
the most expensive paint ingredient" and are "primarily responsible
for a paint's opacity, color and sheen."[14]
§ Binder, or Resin - This is the main vehicle of paint, as it "binds the pigments
together, forming the cured paint film."[15] It is the resin that accounts for the
adhesion of the paint to the substrate and how well the paint holds up to wear
and tear.
In general,
the base for paint can be either Water-Based
or Oil-Based.
paint, or Latex as it is still known as (though we no longer use synthetic
latex rubber in the production of this) is easy to use, easy to clean up. It has less of a smell, but we should
remember that there is still the off-gas of some VOCs even in water based paint
(More on VOCs later!). While Water based
paint dries more quickly, there is an unevenness to it and brush marks will
show. You cannot easily go back over and
re-work it, like you can with oil based paints.
And water-based paint does not have the "tack" that oil-based
products do, though the technology is getting better, which is important, as
oil-based products are ebing phased out.
Tack refers to the strength of the paint.
paint means that the solvent is oil based.
Examples of oil used in these
products include Tung Oil, Soya Oil and the famous Linseed Oil, which when introduced
to the industry in the 1800s revolutionized the production and use of paint, as
the ground up pigment remained suspended in the linseed oil base, allowing for
a stronger, smoother product. Paint
became more than just a decorative solution, but also was looked at as a means
to protect the interior construction and materials. We now see the use of modified oils, which
are called Alkyds, which are less expensive to produce.
Qualities of
oil-based paints include its durability and hardness, which is attributed to
the time it takes to dry and oxidize.
This longer dry time also allows for leveling and greater evenness. The best use for this product is on the
windows, doors, and trim work. Drawbacks
to oil-based paint include the harsh smell, the long wait for dry time, and the
difficult clean-up which requires the use of harsher chemicals. Also, the oxidation of oil-based paint leads
to yellowing, cracking, and chipping over time.
Choice of Gloss Level:
Flat, Eggshell, Satin, Semi-Gloss, Gloss, High Gloss
§ Proprietary Formulas and Names by
§ Consider Light Reflectance Value
§ How cleanable do you need it to be? -
e.g...flat paint is most difficult to get clean, whereas the higher gloss
levels are easier.
§ Assess current surface conditions -
e.g...the higher the gloss, the more imperfections will show on a surface. [16]
Color Choice:
§ Many Brands -e.g...Benjamin Moore,
Behr, Mythic, Pratt & Lambert, Farrow & Ball, Yolo Colorhouse to name a
§ Color Matching Systems allow you to
choose any brand you prefer/is within your budget
Materials and Special
§ Examples: Hi-Performance Coatings and Epoxy Coatings for
High-Traffic Areas, Fire-Retardant and Fire-Resistant Coatings "designed
to sacrifice themselves for the substrate."[17]
§ This is where additives become a part
of the formulas and where the overall safety of the manufacture and use of
paint needs to be examined in terms of the health of people and the
§ Existing Conditions vs. New
§ Plaster, Spackling, Skim-Coating
leads to Dust and monitoring of Ventilation and Air Quality.
§ Proper preparation and application
mean that the paint job will last longer!
Other Considerations:
§ Selection of Quality Paint
§ Quality of Products and Materials, as
well as Supplies like brushes, rollers, trays, tapes, drop cloths, etc.
§ Inexpensive (alot of impact/bang for
§ Practicality
§ Less Havoc than other solutions
§ Aesthetics and Choice-SO MANY
§ Packaging and Sampling-
Packaging: Metal tins are
resealable and recyclable
Sampling: There is so much
available to designers, contractors and lay people to help them make the best
choice with less waste
paint sample jars
color sheets
systems to "preview" rooms with different options
§ Chemicals (see next section)
§ Binders
§ Covering Agent/Whitening
§ Pigments
§ Mold/Mildew Prevention
§ Disposal
§ Packaging and Sampling-
The other side of this argument lies in the need to properly dispose of
old paint cans and leftover paint on the packaging end, and in terms of
sampling, there is a cost to these paper used to print materials and color
§ Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are defined by the EPA as "organic chemical compounds
whose composition makes it possible for them to evaporate under normal indoor
atmospheric conditions of temperature and pressure.[18] The EPA considers VOCS to be one of "the
top five hazards to human health" with "paints and finishes among the
leading causes."[19]
Health Effects of VOCs include eye,
nose, throat irritation, headaches, nausea, dizziness, skin reactions, as well as serious lung, liver, kidney
and nervous system disorders.
§ Fungicides, Preservatives, Drying Agents, Suspension Agents
These additives need to be
considered when specifying conventional paint.
A typical binder is polyvinyl acetate, or PVA, which is an
acrylic that is "petroleum-based, energy- intensive, generally non-renewable" and they
"break down poorly upon disposal."[20]
-Titanium Dioxide replaced Lead (see
below) because if its covering power and whitening
pigment, but it is a known toxin with a very environmentally negative manufacturing process.[21]
-Heavy Metals are found in Pigments.
-Formaldehyde-based resins are still found in some paints.[22]
-Other additives are added to paint
to improve fade prevention, mildew resistance, coverage,
and cleanability, so we need to be aware of these and how they affect health of people and environment at all levels of the
life cycle of paint.
§ Lead
Lead was banned by the EPA in the
manufacturing of paint in 1978.[23]
Lead gets into your body via
breathing in dust containing lead or by eating paint chips that contain lead. In general lead-based paint that is in good
condition (no chipping, peeling...) is
not hazardous. Lead paint needs to be
removed properly, and the EPA provides
guidelines for this to be accomplished successfully. In 2010, federal law began requiring that contractors working on a
renovation of a pre-1978 home or facility where they are removing more than 6
square feet of paint become "certified and trained to follow specific work
practices to prevent lead contamination."[24]
effects of lead poisoning includes respiratory and , brain and nervous system
problems, as well as behavioral issues and developmental delays. Lead exposure has been suspected to cause
reproductive issues in adults, as well as memory/concentration problems,
muscles and join paint, as well as headaches and high blood pressure. Children and women of reproductive age are
particularly vulnerable to negative health effects from lead exposure, as
children are still developing and their systems are more sensitive.[25]
§ Extraction
-Raw Materials include Resins (Alkyds, Vinyls, Acrylics), Solvents
(Ketones, Alcohols), Pigments (Titanium Dioxide), Extenders (Calcium Carbonate,
Clay), and Miscellaneous Additives (Drying Oils and Plasticizers.)[26]
§ Production
-Manufacturing Process: Grinding
& Mixing, Grinding, Mixing, Filtering, Packaging.
-Process Waste Categories:
Discarded Raw Material Containers, Baghouse Pigment Dusts,
Off-Specification Paint, Filter Cartridges, Equipment Cleaning Wastes, Air
Emissions of VOCs.[27]
Figure 1-Production Diagram -
§ Distribution
-Transportation costs, negative effects on environment.
§ Consumption
-See notes on paint specifications and chemistry
§ Disposal
-See notes regarding recycled and remanufactured paint, paint can
-Household Hazardous Waste (HHW):
The EPA states that "the reduction and recycling of HHW conserves resources and
energy that would be expended in the production of more products, that the reuse of hazardous household products
can save money and reduce the
need for generating hazardous substances, and the proper disposal prevents pollution that could endanger human health
and the environment."[28]
Much of the
disposal is handled on the local level based on state and municipal regulations
which vary, but can include special collection days or year round exchange.[29] In general, in addition to using and storing
these HHW containing products properly, we need to dispose of them carefully
and be sure not to mix them with anything else.
We also should, overall, try and limit our use of them in the first
"Natural" or "Organic" Paints
We need to
be very careful here, as there is no standardization on the use of natural
ingredients in paint. Many of these
products are "usually oil based, usually contain natural oils, mineral or
plant pigments, and plant resins" and while "some companies are
strict about adhering to an all-natural policy, others use fossil-fuel solvents
and chemicals as needed."[30] Not all of these paints may be classified as
non-toxic or be Zero-VOC. Greenwashing
can really come into effect here in the way the paints are named and marketed
Low VOC Paint
-Still off-gasses
-Water based
-VOCs not to
be in excess of 200grams/liter[31]
No VOC Paint
-All Paints
in range of 5 grams/liter or LESS (based on the EPA Reference Test #24)
-Note: Adding colors brings u the level of VOCs.[32]
Casein, or Milk Paint
Casein is
the protein found in milk, and has been used as a coating or binding
agent. It is a more eco-friendly choice
in that it is "odorless, food-safe, non-toxic, completely biodegradeable,
durable" and has a Zero-VOC finish. [33] It "dries to a hard, flat finish which
is easy to maintain."[34] There is a "wet paint smell" as it
dries, which is a disadvantage, but it is a sustainable product because there
is very little waste, as milk paint comes as a powder, so you only need to mix
the amount you will use, and the natural pigmented "look" is
considered "highly desireable."[35]
Silicate Dispersion Paint
Dispersion Paint is "made from liquefied potassium silicate, which
naturally reacts and binds with calcium salts, silica, ceramics, and some
metals, forming a permanent coating on a variety of surfaces."[36] It is highly durable, making it ideal for
exteriors, though it is used in interiors as well. It is "not suitable for wood or
plastic" but with the right primer, it can be used on paper-faced drywall. It is "permeable and durable, allowing
air and moisture to 'breathe' through the surface, and water will not damage
it." It is "completely
non-combustible, odorless, VOVC-free and non-toxic" and the colors are
virtually fade-proof. A major negative,
however, in terms of the life-cycle of this paint is that it uses alot of
energy in the production phase.[37]
Remanufactured or Recycled Paint
Paint helps reduce the amount of leftover paint that "ends up in hazardous
waste disposal sites"[38]
as it is collected by the manufacturers and remade into a new product. VOCs are tested for, but color choices
aesthetically are reduced to beiges, grays, and browns.
NO Paint at all!
- New Construction allows choice, so just seal the surface or add pigment to
and Packaging Considerations: As
mentioned earlier, color matching technology and wider availability of
materials from manufacturers have completely cut down overall on waste. People are more informed in the preparation
process, therefore desired paints are chosen making for less waste (mixing
gallons upon gallons of samples to get the "right" color.)
"Unless the paint has particular quantities of compounds that are
deemed hazardous, the manufacturer is not required to put a warning on the
label or MSDS for it. And the risks that
exist when chemicals are mixed together are not always known. The result?
A label will carry some warnings of known hazards, but the paint
"recipe" is considered highly proprietary..."[39]
LEED states that the first priority should be that we 'specify only
paints and coatings that comply with the credit's VOC limits, and enforce those
specifications on the jobsite. Research
low-VOC paints and coatings before construction begins and provide lists of
acceptable materials to contractors to help ensure that the right products are
used."[40] LEED states that "Performance should not
be an issue" as the products that accomplish this are available. Specifically, LEED requirements for
Low-Emitting Materials-Paints and
Coatings are that Architectural paints, coatings, and primers applied to
interior walls and ceilings do not exceed the VOC content limits established by
Green Seal Standards GS-11, Paints, First Edition, <au 20, 1993: 'Flats:
50g/L' and Non-flats: 150 g/L."[41]
Institute aims to
protect human health and improve quality of life by enhancing indoor air
quality and reducing people’s exposure to chemicals and other pollutants."[42]
They monitor
the VOC content of products and provides certification for friendly products.
MPI (Master Painters Institute): Since 1967-Have collaborated with other organizations to
create an Approved Product List."[43]
History of Paint." <>.
Introduction to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ):
Volatile Organic Compounds."
Environmental Protection Agency.
to Pollution Prevention: The Paint
Manufacturing Industry." Environmental
Protection Agency. June 1990.
Hazardous Waste." The Environmental Protection Agency. <>.
in Paint, Dust and Soil." Environmental Protection Agency.
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman, Sustainable
Residential Interiors. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
Lisa, Interior Design Materials and Specifications. New York: Fairchild Books, 2008.
About GEI." GreenGuard Environmental Institute. <>.
Jai. "Are You or Your Family Being
Exposed to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?" March 15, 2011.
v2.2 EQc4.2: Low Emitting
Materials-Paints and Coatings." LEED User. <>.
Mayrose, Specifiying Interiors: A Guide
to Construction and FF&E for Residential and Commercial Interiors Projects. Hoboken:
John Wiley and Sons, 2006.
approved Product List."
of Paint" Shearer Painting Blog. April
15, 2011. <>.
Slide 1 -
MYTHIC-8 Cans-
Slide 2 - CAVE
Slide 3 -
Slide 4 -
Slide 5 -
Slide 6 -
Slide 7 -
Slide 8 -
Slide 9 -
Slide 10
MPI Logo-
[1] McGowan,
Mayrose, Specifiying Interiors: A Guide
to Construction and FF&E for Residential and Commercial Interiors Projects.
(Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2006),
[2] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman, Sustainable
Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 229.
[3] "The
History of Paint."
[4] "History
of Paint" Shearer Painting Blog. April
15, 2011.
[5] "History
of Paint" Shearer Painting Blog. April
15, 2011.
[6] ibid
[8] ibid
[9] ibid
[11] ibid
[12] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman, Sustainable
Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 233.
[13] McGowan,
Mayrose, Specifiying Interiors: A Guide
to Construction and FF&E for Residential and Commercial Interiors Projects.
(Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2006), 187.
[14] McGowan,
Mayrose, Specifiying Interiors: A Guide
to Construction and FF&E for Residential and Commercial Interiors Projects.
(Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2006), 186.
[15] McGowan,
Mayrose, Specifiying Interiors: A Guide
to Construction and FF&E for Residential and Commercial Interiors Projects.
(Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2006), 189.
Godsey, Lisa. Interior Design Materials and Specifications.
(New York: Fairchild 2008), 181.
[17] McGowan,
Mayrose, Specifiying Interiors: A Guide
to Construction and FF&E for Residential and Commercial Interiors Projects.
(Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2006), 193.
"An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): Volatile Organic Compounds." Environmental
Protection Agency. <>.
Kai, Jai. "Are You or Your Family
Being Exposed to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?"
March 15, 2011.
[20] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 234.
[21] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 241.
[22] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 242.
[23] "Lead
in Paint, Dust and Soil." Environmental Protection Agency.
"Lead in Paint, Dust and Soil."
Environmental Protection Agency.
[25] "Lead
in Paint, Dust and Soil." Environmental Protection Agency.
"Guides to Pollution Prevention:
The Paint Manufacturing Industry." Environmental Protection Agency. June 1990.
[27] "Guides
to Pollution Prevention: The Paint
Manufacturing Industry." Environmental
Protection Agency. June 1990.
"Household Hazardous Waste." The Environmental Protection Agency.
"Household Hazardous Waste." The Environmental Protection Agency.
[30] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007. page
"Non-Toxic Paint"
"Non-Toxic Paint" <>.
[33] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman, Sustainable
Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 234.
[34] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman, Sustainable
Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 234.
[35] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 234.
[36] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 235.
[37] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 236.
[38] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 243.
[39] Foster,
Kari, Annette Stelmack and Debbie Hindman,
Sustainable Residential Interiors. (Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2007), 231.
[40] "NC
v2.2 EQc4.2: Low Emitting Materials-Paints
and Coatings." LEED User.
"NC v2.2 EQc4.2: Low Emitting
Materials-Paints and Coatings."
LEED User.
"About GEI." GreenGuard Environmental Institute. <>.
"MPI approved Product List."
Hi Guys...
I thought I would post my research on PFCs from my Chemistry Final Project for reference...
PFCs - Perfluorochemicals
or Perfluorinated Compounds, PFCs as they
are commonly known, pose a great challenge to not only scientists,
environmentalists, and manufacturers, but also to interior designers and the
human population at large. As is true
with many chemicals, there is not alot known about the effects PFCs have on
human beings and their health. It is the
knowledge about such chemical treatments that help interior designers make the
most informed choices of materials for a job, and in the case of PFCs, specifically
those choices pertaining to carpet and textiles.
PFCs are a family of manmade chemicals that start out in nature as
Hydrocarbons, but through various manufacturing processes, the hydrogen is
replaced with Fluorine[1],
the most chemically negative of all of the elements. To become stable, fluorine must gain an
electron, and it does so through its strong bond with carbon. These carbon atoms attached to fluorine, "one
of the strongest bonds found in chemistry,"[2]
become the so-called "backbone" of the chemical and the more carbons,
the stronger the bond.[3] Those with 8 or more carbons are called "long chain," and very common
examples of these are two C8 chemicals: Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfate (PFOS), which
have been scrutinized over their safety for decades.
The strength and ability to repel water, oils, and grease, along
with their ability to withstand extreme heat and effects of acidic and alkaline
solutions have made PFCs ideal for use as stain repellants in textiles and
carpeting. They are also found in some
electrical wiring, non-stick cookware, firefighting foams, and even fast food
wrappers and microwave popcorn bags.
PFCs are stable in the environment, and therefore may bioaccumulate in
the environment.[4]
Two well
known US companies that manufacture PCLs are 3M and DuPont, and both
have been a major part of the history of these chemicals and the move to find
out just what their effects are on human beings and the environment. Through regular blood testing, it has been
found that nearly the whole human population in the US has traces of PFCs in
their bodies. It is this, and the move
by 3M back in 2000 to stop the production of long chain PFOA for their popular
and highly profitable Scotchgard
product in lieu of a new formulation using short-chain
PFCs like Perfluorobutane Sulfonate or PFBS (a C4), that sparked the EPA to
question further use of PFCs. DuPont was
subsequently fined in 2004 for their production of PFOA and failure to report
the risks to human health and the environment.[5]
Unfortunately, we cannot do involved testing on human beings, so researchers
are left with animals as their best source for information.
Animals have
been tested in terms of the evidence of PFCs and PFC elimination rate. There is
inconclusive data because of the range in these elimination rates amongst
animals (rats vs. monkeys), leading to further questions about the toxicity of
PFCs in humans. We do, however, know
that animal testing has shown weight loss, thyroid disease, immune suppression,
developmental and reproductive problems, as well as liver problems due to
PFCs. Some studies show that food supply
is the main transmitter of PFCs in humans, though some other studies feel it
can be passes through the air, as PFCs have been found in even the most remote
parts of the Earth, including the Arctic. [6]
The European
Union and Canada have more harsh restrictions on these chemicals, as the follow
the Precautionary Principle more closely.
The EPA has erred on the side of caution stating that these long chain
PFCs (such as PFOA) are a "probable carcinogen," but has not yet
committed to a total ban.[7] They have, however, created Action Plans[8]
for long-chain PFCs. The EPA's 2010/15 Stewardship Program challenges
the top 8 companies that manufacture PFCs to have reduced the amount of PFOA by
95% by the year 2010 (all 8 accomplished this) and to "work towards eliminating
emissions and product content" totally by 2015.[9]
companies are looking to reduce use of PFCs while still maintaining the quality
of the treatments and materials so that they will perform the best. This involves the use of the
"safer" short-chain PFCs. DuPont touts its new "Capstone" product highly on
its website, which are short-chain fluorosurfactants and fluororepellants.[10] Others include use of nanotechnology in the
development of "Nano-Tex" (which
could be considered a form of biomimicry,) and the creation of "Crypton Green" whose fabrics
use at least 50% recycled content. Both
of these still use short chain PFCs, which again, we do not know enough about,
and it should be noted that C2C (Cradle to Cradle) will not endorse the use of ANY
PFCs, short or long chain.[11]
Like BPA and
DDT before it, PFCs may one day be found to be extremely toxic to human beings
and detrimental to our environment, so why not err on the side of caution, just
in case.
Center for
Disease Control. "National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental
Chemicals: Perfluorochemicals Fact Sheet." November 2009.
"Capstone Repellents and Surfactants Transition Remains
On-Track." October 2010.
Brent. "The Chemicals on Our Carpets and Textiles."
Environmental Building News, March 1, 2011.
"Existing Chemicals: Long Chain Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) Action
Plan." <>.
"Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Fluorinated Telomers."
Jennifer. "EPA Orders Companies to Examine Effects of Chemicals." The New York Times, April 15, 2003.
MSDS. "Material Safety Data Sheet: PFOA-001S." September 24, 2010.
Mercola. "A Newly Discovered Reason to Avoid Fast
Food and Popcorn",
Accessed December 1, 2010.
Department of Health. "Overview of Perfluorochemicals and
Health." April 2011. <>.
"What about Soil Resistant Finishes Like
Scotchgard, Goretex, NanoTex, and GreenShield-Are They Safe?" O Ecotextiles Blog,
<> October 2, 2010.
"PFCs: A Case Study in Favour of the
Precautionary Principle" Heath and
Environment Blog,
<> December 11, 2011.
[1] Ehrlich,
Brent. "The Chemicals on Our Carpets and Textiles." Environmental
Building News, March 1, 2011.
[2] Lee,
Jennifer. "EPA Orders Companies to Examine Effects of Chemicals." The New York Times, April 15, 2003.
[3] Ehrlich,
Brent. "The Chemicals on Our Carpets and Textiles." Environmental
Building News, March 1, 2011.
[4] Center
for Disease Control. "National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental
Chemicals: Perfluorochemicals Fact Sheet." November 2009.
[5] Ehrlich, Brent. "The Chemicals on Our
Carpets and Textiles." Environmental Building News, March 1, 2011.
[6] Minnesota
Department of Health. "Overview of Perfluorochemicals and
Health." April 2011. <>.
[7] Ehrlich,
Brent. "The Chemicals on Our Carpets and Textiles." Environmental
Building News, March 1, 2011.
[8] EPA.
"Existing Chemicals: Long Chain Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) Action
[9] EPA.
"Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Fluorinated Telomers."
Capstone. "Capstone Repellents and Surfactants Transition Remains
On-Track." October 2010.
[11] Ehrlich,
Brent. "The Chemicals on Our Carpets and Textiles." Environmental
Building News, March 1, 2011.
Here is an overview of the article I selected for Karen's Discussion on Chemicals...
Ehrlich, Brent. "The Chemicals on Our Carpets and Textiles." Environmental Building News, March 1, 2011.
Here is the Link to the article:
Here is a link to the EPA website about long chain PFCs:
Here is a link to the EPA website about antimicrobials:
In this article, Ehrlich points out the challenges facing interior designers in terms of the knowledge about chemical treatments required to make the most informed choices of materials for a job, specifically those pertaining to carpet and textiles. The need for treatment is presented, as water, dirt, mold and flamibility are all contibultors to the wear, cleaning, and life of a product, which concerns the overall "sustainability" of the textile or carpet. But do these treatments and "safety" considerations make for an unhealthy environment?
The article points out the history of use of PFCs, or Perfluorochemicals, as man-made surface protectors and how "long chain" PFCs (those containing more 8 or more carbon atoms) have been phased out in favor of "short chain" PFCs which contain less. This was in response to the the effects PFCs have been tested to have on animals in terms of theoir elimination rate. It is still, however, inconclusive the effect on humans, though the EPA has erred on the side of caution stating that these long chain PFCs (such as PFOA) are a "probable carcinogen." Most will recognize "Scotchgard" by 3M as a treatment containing PFCs, and seethat the company has developed new technology to treat materials.
The article goes on to discuss various ways other companies are looking to reduce use of PFCs while still maintaining the quality of the treatments and materials so that they will perform the best. These include use of nanotechnology (which could be considered a form of biomimicry) or the creation of "Crypton Green" whose fabrics use at least 50% recycled content, but both of these still use short chain PFCs. C2C (Cradle to Cradle) will not endorse any use of PFCs, short or long chain.
The article visits antimicrobials as well, which are used to prevent spread of pathogens. The problem is, they are considered pesticides by the EPA and the CDC maintains that cleaning is by far more effective. Manufacturers believe that their products are safe, yet many architects and designers have joined with clients to ban the use. Great concern comes when considering the cleaning process of antimicrobial materials, and what happens if they wach off into the aquatic systems.
Finally, flame retardents have also been found to cause health problems in animals, though not enough is known about their paths to the environment, particularly halogenated ones, so the market is shifting towards the use of non-halogenated ones in textiles.
My Thoughts:
The dilemma facing designers is clear, and is further reinforcement of what we have learned thus far in this SIE program. There is not that absolute answer. There is not enough research. We do not know what will happen down the road when it comes to recycling these materials. There are too many certifications and not enough at the same time. There is not that single "database" of information for us to turn to. What do PFCs really do to human beings? Why isn't enough reserach being done here on their effect? And don't our clients have the rightto expect that the items we spec for them will wear well, and last, and be cost effective?
But at the same time, there again is the challenge for us to do better the things that we KNOW we can do. We can look to be better designers and innovators (Susan Szenazy and McDonaugh & Braungart); we can look to nature (Biomimicry and Biofilia) and innovators (Interface) for inspiration; and we can keep challenging and questioning the systems that are in place.
Some Questions for you all...
I am curious what you response is to this article. Is enough being done? Did you feel like me that not enough research is being done to see the effect of these treatments on humans? Where do you stand when it comes to the dilemma we have when specifying products such as these...have you been as motivated as I have been when it comes to the needs of my clients in terms of wearability and lifetime of a product? Are you more likely to give more of your business to a company like Interface??
Shannon :)
Here is some info on Melamine I thought I would share based on the latest discussion board Karen put up...
CAS #108-78-1
IUPAC Name: 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine
I was researching Formica and other plastic laminates, and came across Melamine, so I decided to look into it a bit. When combined with formaldehyde it becomes Melamine Resin, a durable thermosetting plastic (A common component of Countertops and Flooring-e.g. Formica), or Melamine Foam, a polymeric cleaning product. "The end products include countertops, dry erase boards, fabrics, glues, housewares, dinnerware, cooking spoons, guitar saddles, guitar nuts, acoustic foam paneling, and flame retardants. Melamine is one of the major components in Pigment Yellow 150, a colorant in inks and plastics." (
Ingestion and subsequent absorption into the bloodstream can cause renal failure, therefore the USFDA has recommended a limit to the consumption of melamine, though the US's recommendation is a higher amount than that of Canada, the European Union and the WHO. Go figure.
You all may remember the 2008 Chinese Milk Crisis where infant formula was found to have been supplemented with melamine causing many, many children to become sick with renal failure and more. Dairy products were adulterated in order to "make diluted or poor quality material appear to be higher in protein content by elevating the total nitrogen content detected by some simple protein tests." (
See this related article:
You will also recall tainted pet food found here in the United states traced to Melamine and China.
See this attached link:
The following is an excerpt from the "Toxicological and Health Aspects of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid" Report of a World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Meeting in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Supported by Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada
1–4 December 2008
Geneva 2009
"World production of melamine (Chemical Abstracts Service [CAS] No. 108-
78-1) in 2007 was approximately 1.2 million tonnes, with the predominant producers
being located in China and western Europe (Bizzari & Yokose, 2008). Melamine can
be produced from three different starting materials: urea, dicyandiamide or hydrogen
cyanide. Commercially produced melamine is manufactured using urea as a starting
material, and some proprietary processes give product purities as high as 99%
(Maxwell, 2007; Bizzari & Yokose, 2008).
Melamine is a nitrogen-rich heterocyclic triazine used primarily in the
synthesis of melamine–formaldehyde resins for the manufacture of laminates,
plastics, coatings, commercial filters, glues or adhesives, and moulding compounds
(dishware and kitchenware) (Bizzari & Yokose, 2008). Melamine is also reportedly
used as a colorant (paint coating) and as a fertilizer.
There are no approved uses for the direct addition of melamine to food (e.g. in
the United States of America [USA] and Europe). In the USA, melamine is an indirect
food additive used in the synthesis of melamine-formaldehyde resins (e.g., 21 CFR
175.300, 175.320 and 177.1010) and as a component of adhesives (21 CFR 175.105,
United States National Archives and Records Administration’s Electronic Code of
Federal Regulations,, as of 18 June 2007). In Europe,
melamine is approved for use as a monomer and as an additive in plastics
Trichloromelamine Cyromazine
Toxicological and Health Aspects of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid
(Commission Directive EC No. 2002/72 related to materials and articles intended to
come into contact with foodstuffs, 6 August 2002).
Adulteration occurs, in part because commonly used methods for protein
analysis cannot distinguish between nitrogen from protein sources and nitrogen from
non-protein sources. This results in incorrectly high protein measurements for
products containing non-protein nitrogen sources like melamine and provides an
economic incentive for their (illegal) addition.
The purity of melamine products is highly dependent upon the manufacturing
process and the level of purification. Low-purity melamine-containing solids can be
recovered from the mother liquor wastewater stream following the crystallization
stage in the commercial production of melamine. Analysis of one such wastewater
stream having a total solids percentage of 1.80% yielded melamine at 1.27% of the
total solids and oxytriazines (including ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid) at
0.42% of the total solids (Ono et al., 1998). It is possible that solids from the mother
liquor wastewater stream are representative of the “melamine scrap” discussed in
many news articles related to melamine adulteration in pet food in 2007.
Very recent Chinese data (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
unpublished data, 2008) on the analysis of 15 raw materials that were used for the
adulteration of milk in Gansu province, China, which was then used to make infant
formula, indicated that the median levels of melamine and related compounds in the
raw materials were as follows: melamine (188 000 mg/kg), cyanuric acid (3.2 mg/kg),
ammeline (14.9 mg/kg) and ammelide (293 mg/kg). The melamine used to adulterate
milk that was then used for at least some of the infant formula in the current 2008
incident appears to be of higher purity, with much lower levels of cyanuric acid,
ammeline and ammelide, than that used in the wheat gluten and rice protein
concentrate ingredients that were used in the production of pet foods during the 2007
melamine contamination incident in the USA, Canada and South Africa.
In a study of the effectiveness of triazines as fertilizers, it was demonstrated
that melamine can be metabolized by at least two strains of bacteria occurring in soil
(Pseudomonas strain A and Klebsiella terragena) through successive deamination
reactions to form ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid, with further breakdown to
biuret, urea and, ultimately, ammonia and carbon dioxide (Jutzi, Cook & Hutter,
1982; Shelton et al., 1997)."
Molecular Formula for Melamine:
Physical Property | Value | Units | Temp (deg C) | Source |
Melting Point | 345 dec | deg C | EXP | |
pKa Dissociation Constant | 5 | (none) | 25 | EXP |
log P (octanol-water) | -1.37E+00 | (none) | EXP | |
Water Solubility | 3240 | mg/L | 20 | EXP |
Henry's Law Constant | 1.84E-14 | atm-m3/mole | 25 | EST |
Atmospheric OH Rate Constant | 6.60E-13 | cm3/molecule-sec | 25 | EST |
Physical property data is provided to ChemIDplus by Syracuse Research Corporation.
See all available property data for this compound, including references.
See all available property data for this compound, including references.

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