Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How I Violated Norms in a House of Worship...

I had an interesting weekend.  I was at a wedding in New Haven watching a girl I used to babysit for get married.  (Not fair that she's gotten hitched before me!)  It was an interesting experience as she is Italian Catholic and he is Greek Orthodox, so they actually  had 2 ceremonies!

I was asked to take part in the Catholic ceremony by doing a reading called the Responsorial Psalm.
Prior to the ceremony I was going over my reading which I printed out for myself.  I was thinking about the fact that I did not get enough direction from Kristin, the bride, as to where I was supposed to sit, etc... Was it okay for me to sit in a pew with my family or did I have a designated space? Am I reading off my paper or from the Book on the Lectern? I was also very concerned on how I was going to get the congregation to respond to me and the verses I was presenting (the response to each of my verses was "Alleluia"). Would a hand or arm motion in the air do it?  Would a pause get the message across that it was time to respond (or would this just become an awkward pause)? How about a head nod?

So...instead of keeping to myself in my own head or whispering to my friend sitting next to me, I remembered our assignment from this week to "break the space rules."  So I spoke in louder-than-a-whisper voice to the 3 people next to me in my pew and asked aloud what I should do in this scenario?? Yes...I spoke loudly in Church.  It was quiet and you could nearly hear a pin drop and then there was me in my whisper that was more like a dull roar.  I promise I did not shout, but I did break the rules and speak aloud in a spiritual space that is normally quiet and contemplative prior to the Mass starting.

What happened, you ask?  How did the people all around me react?
Well, my mom, seated 3 people away from me, gave me the "Mom Look" over her glasses and spoke back to me in a "leaning in" whisper.  She basically insisted I stay pious and dignified.
My friends next to me giggled at my desperate questions, probably louder because they were trying not to make so much noise but the harder they tried, the louder they laughed.
People a few rows ahead gave me the "over the shoulder" look of surprise and disdain, though my one friend Sandra smiled back at me.
Then, the  people in front of me turned around and answered queries in such a fashion as to say "if we tell her she can stay in her seat until it is her time to go up for the Psalm maybe she will pipe down now!"
The people behind me just stared straight ahead at the altar.

Now mind you, I really tried not to be obnoxious and disruptive.  We were still about 15 or so minutes away from showtime and the clergy and wedding party were not there, but I saw an opportunity and I took it.  I did feel bad after that the Blessed Sacrament was present and I was chatting.  Catholic Guilt.

Interested in hearing your reaction to my little experience.

By the way, I went with the awkward hand raise after the pause did not work with the congregation.  Alleluia.

Shannon Mary Brigid Leddy

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