Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Notes on my ABs and my Blog Availability...

Well, as Nora said tonight, my ABs are a bit on the "narrative" side.  I published them anyway and plan on trying them again.  I am still a bit unsure about the whole concept, but that is what being in school is all about so...

I enjoyed tonight's class very much, as Environmental Psych has always fascinated me! I promise I will catch up with all of your blogs ASAP.

Can you all comment on something of mine so that I know you are connected to me on here? I also seem to be missing a Few followers even though I sent invitations to all...Thanks much, and goodnight!  :)


  1. Hi Shannon- got your message too late to call back, your blog does appear in my Reading List but nothing you've added since your first post shows up in it. Maybe you could try resending invitations? I've added everyone's blog URL to my page a la Christopher, so I can rather easily manually check but the RL is definitely a convenient tool. Let me know what you think & see you tomorrow~

  2. Hello Shannon,

    I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. I left comments in a couple of places.


  3. Shannon,
    As you will understand, I AM reading, but I am not seeing any way of enabling followers on your site.
    As for the last set of posts, they appear if you click on "September" on the far right column, but otherwise the fault seems to be your initial post.
